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Travel Insurance is available for local and international travel. The cover provided usually includes flight/trip cancellation, liability, lost baggage, emergency medical expenses etc. At UIB we know that vacations, regardless of how meticulous the planning was, can turn into a disaster in a moment, which is why you need to know that you have the best travel insurance South Africa offers.


Think of the following holiday travel scenarios:

•  Your trip is cancelled prior to departure due to, for example a sudden illness, loss of travel documents or a traumatic event.
•  Your journey is cut short due to an unforeseeable event.
•  You require medical treatment in a foreign country. The costs of such treatment and the cost
of repatriation can be financially


•  You become legally liable to a third party, following an accidental loss, whilst on foreign soil.

•  Your luggage is lost or stolen.

A well-structured travel insurance policy will cover the above eventualities, subject of course to the particular insurance policy contract terms and exclusions. The fact is that most travel insurance policies are usually sourced via your travel agent or credit card provider. In both instances, you seldom receive a travel insurance policy document or are advised of the policy exclusions. The reality is that every so often these policy exclusions only manifest when your claim is declined. Two common areas of complaints are travel insurance policies that exclude pre-existing medical conditions and repatriation following medical treatment to your home country.


Beware of free credit card travel insurance. Free credit card travel insurance or brochure type coverage may fall well short of the actual cover required when travelling. Rather consult a UIB broker for the best South African travel insurance product and advice for your individual or business travel insurance needs.


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